Very convincing. Makes me completely want to put myself under government control. Please take me to where you can make me unconscious and naked.

Riley ,'Help'

If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me

Birth, death, illness, new job, vacation...if it's happening to you and you want us to know about it, post it here. These threads are intended for announcements only. Want to offer sympathy or congratulations, or talk about anything? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.

Atropa - Sep 26, 2002 1:18:31 pm PDT #41 of 5662
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

... aaaaaand I just found out a former boss (the one I *liked* at the last job) just got asked by another former manager for my contact info, because they want to see if they can get me on their new team. Meep! So continued job vibe-iness would be spiffy.

katefate - Sep 26, 2002 2:19:17 pm PDT #42 of 5662
Frail my heart apart and play me a little Shady Grove

My brother lost his house in last Friday's tornados here in the midwest. He's fine, even though he was in the middle of it. All the critters came out fine too.

Good Buffista vibes for him and SIL wading through the insurance maze would be much appreciated.

esse - Sep 26, 2002 4:22:41 pm PDT #43 of 5662
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

Right, so not only am I dim for the weekend, but my email's gone kaput until --- well, probably forever. Until this can be resolved, and I can get a new email address, you can reach me at sarah_throop (at) I'd rather not spread this one around though, as it's mainly academic.


Betsy HP - Sep 27, 2002 12:05:56 pm PDT #44 of 5662
If I only had a brain...

The sale on the NC house just closed!

WAHHOOOOOO! No more payments! No more repairs! No more abortive sales!

Daisy Jane - Sep 27, 2002 12:37:06 pm PDT #45 of 5662
"This bar smells like kerosene and stripper tears."

I'm going dark for the weekend. One of my girls father died on Tuesday, and two of us are going home to see her for the memorial.

Holli - Sep 28, 2002 5:02:25 pm PDT #46 of 5662
an overblown libretto and a sumptuous score/ could never contain the contradictions I adore

Not apocalyptic, but: I have two really pretty formal dresses, and two formal dances. Help me decide which to wear to what.

Sue - Sep 28, 2002 5:08:05 pm PDT #47 of 5662
hip deep in pie

John H - Sep 29, 2002 4:14:44 pm PDT #48 of 5662

Packing is happening in the bedroom, and everything except money-exchange has happened, so it must mean that I'm just a few hours away from a month's holiday in Vietnam (and also that I'm talking to you guys instead of helping with the packing).

I'm presumably going to be dark until November, though for all I know internet access is ubiquitous and cheap in Saigon the way it is everywhere else these days. But more to the point, as much as I love you guys and value your company, it'll be good to get away from eight or nine hours a day on the computer and actually, you know, hang out in the real world, and a very interesting part of it too.

I'll definitely check email every once in a while, so use between now and the end of October.

DavidS - Sep 29, 2002 9:35:03 pm PDT #49 of 5662
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I suppose most people already know, but just to make it official, I'm on the road for the next ten days on the great East Coast Swing.

I'll be checking email, but will probably only peek at Natter and Bitches while I'm gone.

I'll be back in SF Oct. 9th.

esse - Sep 30, 2002 10:28:42 am PDT #50 of 5662
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

Note to Elena: I recieved the tapes. Thank you so very much. They just made a crappy day the best day ever, as I just discovered I made a C on my first paper, and took an exam that I was completely unprepared for and probably made a C on that as well. Which is the sliver of optimism I have left talking.

Thanks, dear.