I see your uhhhhhhhhhhh and raise you a gnyeh.

Buffy ,'Potential'


[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.

Scrappy - Oct 23, 2004 5:06:13 am PDT #10 of 10000
Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Top, um, 11.

I find Locke a fascinating character. I really like the premise of this show--that the mysteries each week are not just about where this place is and what kind of place it is, but about who these people are and how they got that way.

Theodosia - Oct 23, 2004 5:06:32 am PDT #11 of 10000
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Go Man-Eating Cow. Vote Man-Eating Cow.

The Island of Dr. Moo-reau. An idea whose time has come, baby!

Anne W. - Oct 23, 2004 5:13:41 am PDT #12 of 10000
The lost sheep grow teeth, forsake their lambs, and lie with the lions.

I kind of like the "Title Not Yet Found" tag.

So, any theories as to what the hell is going on with the island?

Also, did anyone else immediately think of Drusilla when they saw Miss Edith in the water?

(P.S. Theo, what's the source fic for your tagline?)

Deena - Oct 23, 2004 5:51:41 am PDT #13 of 10000
How are you me? You need to stop that. Only I can be me. ~Kara

I noticed Theo's tag too, Anne. That's a lovely line.

I have no theories. Greg thinks that each person's fears are made physical, or present, somehow.

He's also wondering about the miracles. First the baby doesn't move, and then it does. Then we find out that Locke walks when he shouldn't be able to, and then Jack's dad's body is missing and he's seen him walking around. Put that way, it's all very creepy.

I can't imagine we've got zombies or the rest of the dead bodies would be walking, unless it has something to do with what the living want. But, as cool as that would be, I'm not sure how they could sustain it.

And then there are those epileptic trees... and whatever it is that Locke saw, but that didn't do him in like it did the pilot.

Anne W. - Oct 23, 2004 6:02:06 am PDT #14 of 10000
The lost sheep grow teeth, forsake their lambs, and lie with the lions.

I do think that there's some degree of wish-fulfillment going on, but that it's manifesting in odd ways, since we all tend to wish a million different contradictory things at once.

Part of me is wondering that since Walt is a kid, he might have some pretty uncomplicated--and therefore powerful--wishes. He thought the picture of the polar bear was cool, and poof! Polar bear appears. It also stopped raining almost as soon as his dad promised he'd look for the dog once the rain stopped. The fact that the dog survived also hints at some pretty powerful wish-granting juju.

Locke seems to have figured things out. I suspect that not only did he regain the use of his legs, he also gained the knowledge and skills he needed to become the kick-ass hunter dude he is now.

All of this is to say that if the island responds to the strength and clarity of a person's wishes and desires, thinks might get really interesting once Claire's baby is born.

Cranberry - Oct 23, 2004 6:03:42 am PDT #15 of 10000
I was fine when existence had no meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning -- that I get. But meaninglessness in a universe with meaning? What does that mean?

Yay, a Lost thread!

Deena, I was also considering the theory that the island gives people what they want (Claire's baby moving, Kate's freedom, Locke's legs, Jack's father), maybe in kind of a Needful Things way. Like you, though, I don't know how they could sustain that sort of thing.

It's also possible that Locke thinks the "monster" gave him back his ability to walk, so he might end up worshipping it (and would explain why he'd say the island's eye is "beautiful," no matter what he actually sees).

Anne, I think Locke probably already had all the hunter/survivalist know-how, considering he'd been researching and planning for the walkabout for almost a year. It is pretty amazing that he can actually do everything he's imagined himself doing, though.

Anne W. - Oct 23, 2004 6:06:33 am PDT #16 of 10000
The lost sheep grow teeth, forsake their lambs, and lie with the lions.

would explain why he'd say the island's eye is "beautiful," no matter what he actually sees

My mind went very much to a 'the way Connor saw Jasmine' sort of place with that line.

Polter-Cow - Oct 23, 2004 6:09:47 am PDT #17 of 10000
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

All of this is to say that if the island responds to the strength and clarity of a person's wishes and desires, thinks might get really interesting once Claire's baby is born.

You know, once the kid gets sentient, he/she might wish it were older. Shazam!

(and would explain why he'd say the island's eye is "beautiful," no matter what he actually sees).

Maybe the monster's Jasmine's maggoty face! (Heh. x-post with Anne.)

The wish fulfillment dealie is pretty apparent, but like the Opposite Land theory, it's not universal yet, but it might turn out to be once we learnt the other characters' backstories.

For instance, you think Sun wanted to be in this crappy relationship? Will Charlie run across a stash of coke? Is Shannon's ability to remain well dressed and well groomed the island's doing?

So many characters, so many questions.

SuziQ - Oct 23, 2004 6:10:52 am PDT #18 of 10000
Back tattoos of the mother is that you are absolutely right - Ame

Locke has only been in the wheelchair for 4 years, so who knows what skills he acquired before that.

YAY - Lost thread. I kinda like the current title, but hey - Lost thread! Am happy!

Lee - Oct 23, 2004 6:11:47 am PDT #19 of 10000
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

Shiny new thread!

I really like the premise of this show--that the mysteries each week are not just about where this place is and what kind of place it is, but about who these people are and how they got that way.

What Robin Said. More than that, I already care about most of the characters, so I can't wait to find out what the story is with them

I agree that there seems to be some sort of wish fulfillment going on, even in small ways, like Walt and the rain.

And, since Kat hasn't made it here yet, let me be the first to say, Sayid is mine.